Brown Bag Events

Improving health care literacy and empowering patients to become part of their health care team is what we, RxRescue, Inc., strive to do at each Brown Bag Event.

A Brown Bag Event consists of a patient placing all of their prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements in a brown bag. The patient then brings the bag to one of our Brown Bag Events where they receive a FREE one-on-one review of their medications with a licensed pharmacist.

The pharmacist looks for:

  1. Drug-drug interactions

  2. Drug-food interactions

  3. Drug-supplement interactions

  4. Appropriate medication administration

  5. And, many other aspects of each patient's daily medication regimen

At the conclusion of the encounter, the patient is provided with a current list of medications they are taking called a Master Medication List (MML). The MML can be carried by the patient to their medical appointments so that every health care provider involved with that patient's care will have a comprehensive list of what the patient takes

on a daily basis.

This service is provided FREE of charge to the patients, but we rely on donors like YOU who make these events possible.

Currently, published literature reports the following:

At Brown Bag Events conducted by the North Carolina Health Care Literacy Organization, the following was reported:

“We found errors in every review, including one where a patient stopped his medicine on his own, another where a patient was

taking a supplement the provider did not know about, and others where the medicines did not match what was in the chart.”


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality indicates (ARHQ):

"According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy, nearly 9 out of 10 adults do not have proficient health literacy and, therefore, may not have the skills required to manage their health and prevent disease. As such, these adults are at risk for poorer health outcomes.... Patients who experienced adverse drug events (ADEs) were hospitalized an average of 8 to 12 days longer than patients who did not suffer ADEs, and their hospitalization cost $16,000 to $24,000 more."


We hope that you consider making a donation by clicking one of the DONATE links below. Help us be empower patients with information that will hopefully keep them from making a costly medication error.

To donate, click SUBSCRIBE to set up a monthly charge to your credit card or Paypal account that will terminate automatically after 12 months. OR, click DONATE to make a ONE TIME donation of your choosing.

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